Installation - interfaces to protect
Hi guys,
Just setting up ZenArmor and have basic question as I did not find it in my studies.
I have 2 internet connection interfaces (ix1 / ix2) and a simple interface "ovpnsl" for local LAN.
When selecting interfaces to protect it lists all 3 but I suspect I only need to select "ovpnsl" or do I need to select all interfaces?
Probably a dumb question but I don't want to render the office internet connection inactive by selecting the wrong interfaces.
I also have the phone system on the same LAN with no VLan - will enabling the Zenarmor effect on the PBX?
Thanks in advance and have a restful Sunday.
Br M
Official comment
Thanks for reaching out to us.
The best practise is to protect the LAN side on Zenarmor. If you use a domain name for pbx system, please check its category on
and add it to the whitelist if necessary in the Policy configuration.
Best regards
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