How can I tell if native or emulated netmap is being used?
I chose native netmap during setup, but I see these messages in the log:
129.836030 [1171] generic_netmap_attach Emulated adapter for ix0 created (prev was NULL)
129.836039 [1076] generic_netmap_dtor Emulated netmap adapter for ix0 destroyed
129.896543 [1171] generic_netmap_attach Emulated adapter for ix0 created (prev was NULL)
130.285568 [ 319] generic_netmap_register Emulated adapter for ix0 activated
Does this mean emulated is being used? ...and if so why?
Official comment
Hi Jason,
You can see in the system log as emulated netmap driver or native netmap driver. sysctl -a | grep netmap command shows as well.
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