How can I tell if native or emulated netmap is being used?



  • Official comment

    Hi Jason,

    You can see in the system log as emulated netmap driver or native netmap driver. sysctl -a | grep netmap command shows as well.

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  • Jason Istre

    I removed the ix driver. "pkg remove net/intel-ix-kmod" and commented out the "if_ix_updated_load="YES" in /boot/loader.local.conf.  Now I see 940Mbps instead of 340Mbps from a lan speedtest, but I cant tell what mode netmap is operating in.  How can I tell?

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  • Matt

    Hi Jason,

    If you're seeing "Emulated adapter for $interface" message in your syslog messages, that's an indication of netmap emulated driver being in use. 

    I hope this answers your question.

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